• spanduk

Anjeun pilari hiji pikaresepeuntag bagasi?Kado Geulis Ngagurilap mangrupikeun produsén sareng suppliertag bagasi customdi Cina saprak 1984. Urang bisa mantuan Anjeun pikeun ngamekarkeun tag bagasi ngaropéa nu cocog pikeun bisnis, kantor, iinditan jeung acara promosi.


** Rupa-rupa bahan: logam (kuningan, aluminium, stainless steel), PVC lemes, lawon (sulaman, anyaman) jeung kulit, plastik dina sagala warna ku rasa anjeun, kalawan logo sorangan debossed, dicitak, engraved tur leuwih.


** Gagasan anu sampurna pikeun jalma anu dianggo dina kantong golf, kantong sakola, kantong pésta, koper, koper, ransel, tas komputer, tas olahraga sareng naon waé anu anjeun hoyong pasang KTP.


** Aranjeunna ngadamel kado anu saé pikeun sagala jinis acara: wisuda, kawinan, pesta


** Éta ogé pilihan idéal pikeun hotél, bandara, réstoran, supermarket jeung pariwisata.


** Bari nangkeup kaperluan commemorative, dekoratif, insentif, sarta premiums iklan, aranjeunna salah sahiji jenis dina ngabedakeun barang konsumén.


tali koper


Rectangle shape, round shape, oval shape, irregular shape and more customized colors, sizes, thickness and logo designs are available upon requests. ABS frame, soft PVC frame, metal frame with clear vinyl card protector & printing paper card are available for choosing from. Customers’ name, address and telephone No. can be written on the backside. It has a wide range of attachments such as PU/Genuine leather strap with metal buckle, plastic strap, silicone strap, soft PVC strap, vinyl loop, elastic cord loop, ball chain and etc. As a professional metal & plastic manufacturer for more than 40 years, we keep improving and creating in order to get the first market. Many of our customers grow larger and larger day by day. Why not contact us at sales@sjjgifts.com right now to create your own personalized luggage tags. We sincerely hope you will be one of our partners in near future.


waktos pos: Jun-13-2022