Akrligicmedéng with metal frame are quite popular in nowadays, it will be a good product to impress your customers, standing out from the crowd. Silkscreen printing logo & CMYK printing are available at Center transparent Acrylic area. 3 open metal frames to your selecting, FREE of mold charge, custom logo to metal frame is welcomed. There are various plating colors to metal frame: gold/silver/copper and antique finish, etc., contact us at sales@sjjgifts.com right away to get your personalized acrylic medals.
• Bahan: Siro Zinc alloy sareng potongan acryligles anu jelas
• pigura dirarancang: Tilu pigura logam anu béda pikeun pilihan
• Padamelan anu dilakukeun: Wilujeng sumping
• Logos adat: Silekscreen atanapi nyitak panyitak dilakukeun dina akrilik
• Ukuran: perkiraan. Diaseter 70mm pikeun 3 pigura anu dirarancang
• acrylic: Ngeunaan 1mm kandel
• Leward: warna tunggal sareng multikolor kadua, logo adat ditampi ~
• Packing: Kantong gelembung, kantong PVC, kotak kertas, kotak Velvet, kotak lagu
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